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A painter paints pictures on canvas.​​ But musicians paint their pictures on silence.
Leopold Stokowski,

Learning a musical instrument is extremely beneficial; it has been researched and results show that learning and developing musical skills compliment academic learning especially in areas including maths and foreign languages as well as benefiting those with special needs.

There are many reasons to learn a musical instrument including the following:

  • Research suggests exposure to music may benefit a child's reading age, IQ and the development of certain parts of the brain.
  • In adults learning an instrument aids in the mind keeping alert and remaining active, improving the memory.
  • Learning an instrument improves discipline, it is comparable to learning a foreign language, encouraging regular practice and dedication.
  • Music relieves stress and builds a sense of achievement

Our core members, Jenny, Kate and Emma are established teachers of their instruments throughout Devon; teaching in the majority of North Devon's schools.

We provide instrumental lessons to students of all abilities and ages, these are peripatetic or private.

Contact for Sorrelli Tuition

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